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January 2010It is seriously freaking me out that we are now entering into the second decade of the 21st century! Where did the first one go? It must have been nice for it to go by so quickly! This year, Christmas was calm and mellow and it was just JC, myself, and JC's parents. We had a lovely brunch, opened presents, watched "A Christmas Story" and that was it! After they went home in the late afternoon, JC and I sat on the couch watching football, paranormal shows, and a reality show about a pawn shop! Very traditional, eh? So, since nothing extremely exciting happened, I will skip the Christmas photos and instead post a photo of the FALL 2009 CHAMPIONSHIP NORDIQUES! Yes, I FINALLY won a season championship! We fought long and hard and had to go to a shootout, where my amazing teammates Amber and Adri scored. I'm so proud of this team, we had SO much fun together this past season! I've been a Nordique for all of my seasons of hockey so far, so I'm pretty proud to be a Nordique as well. We are the first team to be awarded the new BelaHockey Granato Cup (named after Cammi Granato, the most famous female hockey player and multi-Olympic athlete and the company BelaHockey who donated the cup), and we also received jerseys! 1. Highlights of the year
2. Lowlights of the year
3. What do you have at the end of 2009 that you didn't have before? A deeper appreciation for my job, the fact that I have one, and learning to let go of situations quicker and easier. OH--and an elfa'ed master closet that kicks butt! OH--and lots of scrapbooking supplies, tee hee 4. Did you make any resolutions at the start of 2009 that you managed to keep? Nothing formal, I was just enjoying life. I did want to stay in closer contact with friends and family, and while I did more by calling people more often, and always sending homemade cards and sometimes homemade gifts, I still feel like I could have done more. In terms of reviewing my Bucket List, I actually don't think I've accomplished anything in 2009. As I mentioned last year, I feel quite satisfied in my life and cannot think of additional things that I'd like to do, and I'm not sure if that's good or bad! I actually reviewed my list and removed some things that I no longer want to do...does that count? :) 5. Strangest thing of the year The 4th Annual Zombie Crawl--thousands of people dressed up as zombies slithering down the 16th Street pedestrian mall in Denver searching for brains. And the week after, attending a Halloween-themed wedding at an amusement park in two feet of snow. 6. Funniest thing of the year See the Zombie Crawl above. Also, at the VNV Nation concert in July there was a "thing" all dressed up in black vinyl, huge platform boots, pigtails and flourescent tubing in the pigtails. The lead singer of the group called it a mermaid, only to discover shortly thereafter that it was actually a merman. Gotta love the kids these days. 7. Saddest thing of the year My sister-in-law and nieces moving away to Florida. It's a good thing, it's just weird that there are no kiddos in town anymore. And coming to a realization about having to let go of a few long-time friendships. 8. Any goals for the new year?
9. Concert of the year Again, a great year for concerts, in 2009 we totaled 12 so it's all about quality not quantity. Here are some of the best:
10. Summarize 2009 in a word or sentence Just...there. With economic turmoil, and lifestyle adjustments, and some minor personal accomplishments, it wasn't a super exciting year, but it wasn't terrible either. And to close, what do you mean it's cold in Colorado? This screenshot taken on December 9, 2009. Read the top white bar, then look to the lower right:
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